Singing Guide: Tricia Brock

Singing Guide: Tricia Brock

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to learn singing like Tricia Brock

Tricia Brock is known for her powerful voice and wide range. Her unique vocal technique combines classical and pop styles, and showcases her impressive control and flexibility. Here's how to learn singing like Tricia Brock.

Step 1: Warm up with Farinelli Breathing

Start your practice sessions with Farinelli Breathing exercise to help prepare your voice.

Step 2: Analyze your vocal range

Before learning Tricia Brock's songs, find out your vocal range through our vocal range test:

Step 3: Study Tricia Brock's signature songs

Tricia Brock's signature songs showcase her vocal range, control, and technique. Study these songs to learn her style:

Step 4: Learn voice control and register transitions

Tricia Brock uses mixed voice extensively in her singing. Learn how to control multiple voice registers and transition smoothly between them with these resources:

Step 5: Practice breath support and improving phrasing

Tricia Brock has outstanding breath support. For improving breath support you can follow:

For improving phrasing:

Step 6: Lessons and courses

Are you looking for professional guidance? Check out Singing Carrots's educational courses:

Step 7: Vocal Health

Finally, don't forget to take care of your voice. Follow these tips for maintaining vocal health:

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.